Anne-Mette Skovlund | Projektleder | IT Service | +45 93 51 14 18 |  |
Anja Ejholm Skovlyst | Laboratory Technician | DTU Health Tech | +45 46 77 53 00 |  |
Tor Skovsgaard | Specialkonsulent | ADM5 | |  |
Jan Skovø | Special Consultant | IT Service | +45 35 88 82 32 |  |
Magdalena Skowyra | Assistant Professor | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Ingeborg Sæten Skre | PhD student | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Henning Skriver | Director | DTU Space | +45 45 25 37 92 |  |
Simon Prisholm Skrøder | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | |  |
Ole Skursch | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | |  |
Amanda Stenhuus Skydt | Student Assistant | DTU Offshore | |  |
Karina Skydt | Communication and Culture Officer, Centre Secretary | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 20 45 39 15 |  |
Christian Munch Skylv | Studentermedhjælper | AFRI | |  |
Karoline Broskov Skytthe | Research Assistant | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Test Skywalker | Testperson | ADM4 | |  |
Gustav Skødt | Industrial PhD Student | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Birgit Slej | Senior adviser | ADM4 | +45 45 25 11 54 |  |
Roman Slipets | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | +45 45 25 63 37 |  |
Valeska Slomianka | PhD student | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Kenneth Sloth | Electrician | CAS | +45 45 25 69 19 |  |
Henrik Paag Sloth | Business Finance Manager | ADM5 | +45 93 51 89 55 |  |
Jeppe Bach Sloth | Co-Founder CFO | DTU Skylab | |  |
Steffen Sloth | Industrial PhD | DTU Physics | |  |
Jens Jørgen Sloth | Professor, Head of Research Group | DTU National Food Institute | +45 29 46 12 80 |  |
Alberte Fjord Sloth | Research Assistant | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Anders Slotsbo | Student Assistant | IT Service | |  |
Dóra Smahajcsik | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Justinas Smertinas | PhD Student | DTU Compute | +46727327387 |  |
Ole Vinberg Smidth | Økonomikonsulent | ADM5 | +45 93 51 13 50 |  |
Kevin Michael Smith | Associate Professor | DTU Civil Engineering | |  |
Kevin Michael Smith | Associate Professor | DTU Construct | |  |
Anni Tolborg Smith | Business Controller | ADM5 | +45 93 51 17 17 |  |
Philip Alexander Hedlund Smith | Research Assistant | DTU Aqua | |  |
Alexander Erik Colding Smith | Hjælpelærer | DTU Engineering Technology | |  |
Sonja Smith | Postdoc | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Anne Lyck Smitshuysen | Industrial PhD student | DTU Energy | |  |
Piotr Marek Smolira | PhD student | DTU Construct | +45 71 47 91 48 |  |
Miroslava Smrcinova | Undervisningsassistent | DTU Adgangskursus | +45 45 25 56 84 |  |
Thor Heine Snedker | Undervisningsassistent | DTU Space | |  |
Ciara Snijders | Event Coordinator | DTU Skylab | +45 93 51 89 17 |  |
Yunjeong So | Guest Postdoc | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
George-Valentin Soare | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Space | |  |
Per Christian Sobol | IT Konsulent | ØSS Corporation | |  |
Kevin Gordon Sode | Teknisk inspektør | Housing | |  |
Noah Nørgaard Soelberg | Research Technician | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 02 10 |  |
Farshad Soheilifard | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | |  |
Mikkel Emil Søndervang Sohrt | PhD student | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 56 08 |  |
Svetlana Sokolska | Project Controller | ADM5 | +45 93 51 13 81 |  |
Stina Mie Soldath | Administrativ medarbejder | ADM5 | +45 93 51 17 28 |  |
Hossein Soleimani | PhD student | DTU Construct | |  |
Christian Solem | Associate Professor | DTU National Food Institute | +45 30 58 55 33 |  |
Christian Solgaard | GNSS Engineer | DTU Space | +45 23 92 23 13 |  |
Nicolas von Solms | Professor | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 22 45 32 27 |  |
Olga Solodovnikova | PhD student | DTU Physics | |  |
Konstantinos Solomos | Koordinator | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Lisbeth Wahrén Soltau | Recruitment Consultant & Strategic Partner | ADM3 | +45 93 51 09 65 |  |
Agita Solzemniece | PhD Student | DTU Management | |  |
Roger Padullés I Solé | Postdoc | DTU Construct | |  |
Sivachandiran Somasundaram | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Shreya Some | Postdoc | DTU Management | |  |
Marcel A. J. Somers | Professor, | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 22 50 |  |
Morten Otto Alexander Sommer | Scientific Director | DTU Biosustain | +45 21 51 83 40 |  |
Lea Mette Madsen Sommer | Research Data Manager | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 51 89 95 |  |
Maya Bram Sommer | Leadership & Organizational consultant | ADM3 | |  |
Lea Mette Madsen Sommer | Research Data Manager | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Lars Sommer | Lektor | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 20 95 63 39 |  |
Alma Sommer | Guest Intern | DTU Aqua | |  |
Lijie Song | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Akriti Soni | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | +45 50 31 90 62 |  |
Andrea Sonnenholzner | PhD Student | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Doyinsola Simbiat Sonoiki | PhD Student | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 36 67 |  |
William Fenger Soot | Dyrepasser elev | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Thierry Silvio Claude Soreze | Project Manager, DOLL Virtual Lab | DTU Electro | +45 46 77 45 43 |  |
Gianmario Sorrentino | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | |  |
Kasper Sort | Specialkonsulent | IT Service | +45 35 88 82 33 |  |
Lene Klubben Sortland | PhD student | DTU Aqua | +45 41 98 98 17 |  |
Gohar Soufi | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Asma Souri | Guest PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Leonardo Evaristo de Sousa | Development Engineer | DTU Energy | |  |
Diego Jesus De Souza | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | |  |
João Henrique de Souza | PhD Student | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Aline Morais de Souza | PhD Student | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Ricardo Gabbay de Souza | Associate Professor | DTU Sustain | +45 93 59 68 75 |  |
Ugur Soytas | Professor, Head of Section | DTU Management | +45 45 25 69 46 |  |
Jon Spangenberg | Head of Section, Professor | DTU Construct | +45 93 51 88 98 |  |
Sabrina Spangsdorf | Head of Diversity and PhD Coordinator | DTU Compute | +45 20 92 11 73 |  |
Lene Sparsø | Kommunikationsrådgiver | AKM | +45 93 51 15 24 |  |
Jens Sparsø | Professor emeritus | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 37 47 |  |
Loris Spasojevic | | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 93 51 07 91 |  |
Sergiu Viorel Spataru | Associate Professor | DTU Electro | |  |
Bettina Specht | Kursuskoordinator | ADM4 | |  |
Bettina Specht | Course Coordinator | DTU Learn for Life | +45 93 51 02 63 |  |
Kilian Speiser | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Construct | |  |
Kristina Andkjær Spencer | Laboratory Technician | DTU Aqua | +45 28 40 96 72 |  |
Daniel Spenner | Hjælpelærer | DTU Adgangskursus | |  |
Jette Drue Spens | Lab assistant | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 18 76 |  |
Nicolai Spicher | Associate Professor | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Beatrix Spielmann | Coordinator | AFRI | +45 22 40 60 06 |  |
Kathrine Springborg | AC-fuldmægtig | IT Service | +45 31 96 49 41 |  |
Janne Springborg | Akademisk medarbejder | ADM4 | +45 93 51 89 53 |  |
Riccardo Sprocati | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | |  |