Niels Janniksen Bjerrum | Professor Emeritus | DTU Energy | +45 45 25 23 07 | |
Unnur Jóna Björgvinsdóttir | PhD student | DTU Health Tech | | |
Gustav Douglas Björkengren | PhD Student | DTU Energy | | |
Anders Björnfot | Associate Professor | DTU Construct | | |
Anders Björnfot | Associate Professor | DTU Civil Engineering | | |
Emilie Björnsdotter | Service assistant | DTU National Food Institute | | |
Baldur Björnsson | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Skylab | | |
Magnus Björnsson | PhD Student | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 17 42 | |
Kasper Haldrup Björnsson | Postdoc | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Rasmus Bjørk | Professor | DTU Energy | +45 46 77 58 95 | |
Jonas Hoffmann Bjørkvig | Student Assistant | ADM4 | | |
Mads Bjørlie | Postdoc | DTU National Food Institute | | |
Anders Bjørn | Assistant Professor | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 16 36 | |
Randi Binzer Bjørner | Uddannelseskoordinator | DTU Adgangskursus | +45 35 88 52 82 | |
Sidsel Bjørnholk | SPS-rådgiver / psykolog | ADM4 | | |
Anton Simon Bjørnlund | Postdoc | DTU Physics | | |
Mette Bjørnlund | Head of Secretariat | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 91 37 00 63 | |
Jeppe Majlund Bjørstorp | MSc in Engineering | DTU Space | +45 45 25 38 21 | |
Antonia Celinah Majlund Bjørstorp | Project Coordinator; Skylab Startup team | DTU Skylab | +45 93 51 07 07 | |
Mette Blaabjerg | Innovation Partner | DTU Skylab | +45 27 48 44 44 | |
Allan Djernes Blaabjerg | Research technician | DTU Wind | +45 28 43 06 84 | |
Virgile Ulrik Isidore Blanchet | Student Assistant | AFRI | | |
Mogens Blanke | Professor Emeritus | DTU Electro | | |
Paolo Vincenzo Freiesleben de Blasio | PhD Student | DTU Energy | | |
Mia Blatancic | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 93 51 19 01 | |
Jilles Carlos De Blauwe | PhD Student | DTU Management | | |
Thomas Reinhardt Bleses | Specialkonsulent | ØSS Corporation | +45 93 51 16 62 | |
Thomas Reinhardt Bleses | Specialkonsulent | IT Service | | |
Laura Hjort Blicher | Industrial PhD | DTU Compute | | |
Lene Holberg Blicher | Lab manager | DTU Bioengineering | +45 23 10 02 72 | |
Thomas Bligaard | Professor | DTU Energy | +45 21 12 03 21 | |
Thomas Bligaard | Professor | DTU Physics | +45 21 12 03 21 | |
Ebbe Abildgaard Bliksted | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Kai Blin | Senior Researcher | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 51 13 06 | |
Willads Steen Nørholt Blinkenberg | PhD Student | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 56 08 | |
Caroline Marie Blixt | IT Employee | DTU Learning Lab | | |
Pernille Blom | ATV SEMAPP Officer | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 48 97 | |
Mette Kløvborg Grau Blom | Økonomikonsulent | ADM5 | Via Teams | |
Kristina Astrup Blomquist | Teamleder | AFRI | | |
Kristian Bluff | Specialist | DTU Health Tech | | |
Mads Bluhm | Research Technician | DTU Aqua | +45 21 43 19 05 | |
Pia Blume | Projektindkøber | ADM5 | +45 93 51 13 88 | |
Miguel Díez Fernández de Bobadilla | Studentermedhjælper | IT Service | | |
Roberto Boccardi | PhD Student | DTU Electro | +45 91 87 24 89 | |
Andreas Asp Bock | Postdoc | DTU Compute | | |
Lars Bock-Poulsen | Associate Professor | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 22 95 01 31 | |
Franziska Bockelmann | PhD Student | DTU Aqua | | |
Maximilian Bockshecker | Student Assistant | DTU Sustain | | |
Peter Bodin | Senior Project Officer | DTU Health Tech | | |
Lene Kaas Boeg | Head of Section Secretary | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 22 89 | |
Elisabeth Boelskifte | Administrative Coordinator | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 09 03 | |
Ruben Marcel de Boer | Research Assistant | DTU Biosustain | | |
Sandra Sikia Gemynthe Boerman | Specialkonsulent | ADM5 | | |
Sandra Sikia Gemynthe Boerman | Akademisk medarbejder | IT Service | | |
Zsofia Bognar | Postdoc | DTU Physics | | |
Emil Kristoffer Hyttel Bohmann | PhD Student | DTU Entrepreneurship | | |
Linda Bohn | Laboratory technician | DTU Health Tech | +45 46 77 42 28 | |
Birgit Bohn | Senior Executive Administration Officer | DTU Physics | +45 23 60 91 93 | |
Hendrik Marc Vincent Bohn | PhD Student | DTU Energy | | |
Anne Mette Zenner Boisen | Special Consultant | DTU National Food Institute | +45 93 51 08 17 | |
Anja Boisen | Head of Sections, Professor | DTU Health Tech | +45 45 25 57 27 | |
Axel Boisen | Research Technician | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 11 68 | |
Solène Boivent | Research Assistant | DTU Sustain | | |
Jesper Boje | Senior Researcher | DTU Aqua | +45 35 88 34 64 | |
Katrine Brixen Bojesen | Head of Administration – Education, PhD and Life Long Learning | DTU Construct | +45 93 51 06 93 | |
Venu Bojja | PhD student | DTU Compute | | |
Tara Maria Boland | Postdoc | DTU Physics | | |
Thomas Bolander | Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 37 15 | |
Mario Corral Bolaños | PhD student | DTU Compute | | |
Malene Bolding | Educational Developer | DTU Learning Lab | | |
Liselotte Boll | Service Staff | DTU Aqua | +45 20 15 56 21 | |
Gitte Marianne Würtz Bom | Stewardess | DTU Aqua | +45 51 32 75 33 | |
Sai Teja Bommavaram | PhD Student | DTU Construct | | |
John Peter Merryman Boncori | Head of Microwaves and Remote Sensing | DTU Space | +45 45 25 37 55 | |
Luca Blanka Boncz | Industrial PhD Student | DTU Construct | | |
Line Bonde | Projektmedarbejder | AKM | | |
Pernille Åkerlund Bonde | Project Coordinator | DTU Physics | +45 93 51 02 46 | |
Phebe Bonilla | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | | |
Exam Booker | Exam booker | IT Service | | |
Anna Boonmeemakova | Lead project coordinator | DTU Space | +45 93 51 10 33 | |
Timothy John Booth | Associate Professor | DTU Physics | +45 45 25 68 88 | |
Thomas James Booth | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 51 04 99 | |
Nicky Sebastian Booth | Laboratory Technician | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Ilkay Bora | Company intern | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Elsa Solorio Borbon | Communications officer | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 35 75 | |
Kasper Maegaard Borby-Nielsen | Student Assistant | DTU Space | | |
Martin Malthe Borch | PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | | |
Annie Borch | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | | |
Egil Borchersen | Emetitus | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 19 32 | |
Sebastian Borchert | TechLead + UNIX HPC administrator | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 30 23 | |
Jens Frederik Severin Borchsenius | Research Technician | DTU Energy | +45 21 33 04 86 | |
Andrea Bordoni | HPC Specialist | DTU Compute | | |
André Borges-Nielsen | AC- fuldmægtig | ADM4 | +45 93 51 09 26 | |
Frederik Dresler Borggreen | Machine Engineer | CAS | +45 20 16 89 06 | |
Sina Borgi | PhD student | DTU Physics | | |
Sebastian Borgquist | Postdoc | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 24 59 96 74 | |
Matthias Bork | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Esther Borkowski | Postdoc | DTU Compute | | |
Frederik Bjørling Bornemann | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Energy | | |
Irina Borodina | Professor | DTU Biosustain | +45 45 25 80 20 | |