High pressure SOC test system at DTU Energy
In order to improve the economy of Solid Oxide Cell (SOC) technology, SOCs needs to be operated at elevated pressure. The pressure reduces the dimensions on auxiliary components such as pipes, heat exchangers, manifolds etc. The internal resistance of the SOC decreases with pressure and the open circuit voltage increases with pressure. All this helps reducing SOC technology cost.
However, operating a SOC at high pressure is highly demanding. The high cell temperature makes sealing problematic and it is required to actively balance gas pressure in the cell electrodes against the gas pressure outside the cell. At the same time to gas stream to the cell needs to be constant in both concentration and flow to enable precise measurements. Further, the gas in the autoclave needs to be monitored and controlled to avoid accumulation of explosive gasses.
Two test setups for pressurized testing of SOCs and stacks have been constructed by the institute during the last couple of years and successful tests up to 25 bars have been demonstrated.