Advanced Lifetime Predictions of Battery Energy Storage

The main project objective is to establish expertise and state-of-the-art knowledge about mission related ageing mechanisms of battery, when integrating battery cells into battery packs and complete solutions including the battery management and diagnostics system

Advanced characterization and post-mortem techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis, XRD, and SAXS-WAXS will be used to study the ageing mechanism of cells subjected to realistic mission profiles.

This will provide essential input to the pack level in combination with advanced thermal models, statistical models accounting for production tolerances between cells and management of pack voltage balancing, charge and discharge algorithms and diagnostics methods. Improved knowledge in battery pack ageing and diagnostics methods will be implemented in the battery management systems at Lithium-Balance and validated in real systems by the industry partners.

Accelerated test protocols are developed to speed up and reduce the cost of lifetime assessment of battery packs in specific systems. This will establish a better foundation to evaluate and assess the technical and economic risks related to the introduction of lithium batteries.

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